There are more than 300 Programme Reps at Edinburgh Napier University. Every year of every programme of study needs at least one and, depending on the size of your class, usually two or three students to be Reps. These Reps can raise students’ issues and suggestions for improvements with the teaching staff on their programme regarding things such as:
- time-tabling problems
- missed tuition
- exam schedules
- assessment frequency and methods
- feedback on assessments
- placement standards
- equipment standards and allocation
Being a Rep is a great way to gain valuable experience while on your course (it'll look great on your CV), develop your skills and win improvements for yourself and your class colleagues. The time commitment is pretty low (just a few hours each month) and you will learn a lot from the experience.
Your Programme Leader should ask your class for volunteers at the start of term. Let them know if you are interested.
ENSA will provide you with online induction training and give you tips on how to be an effective Rep. We will also offer support and advice wherever needed to allow you to represent the thoughts of your class colleagues to the University in the most effective way possible.
The University needs student input into its decision-making, to keep it up-to-date and relevant in what it delivers to its students. ENSA’s system of Programme Representation is recognised as one of the best in Scotland and it is a strength that we hope new students will be able to build on.
Official University Transcript recognition for consistent engagement |
Meet and network with passionate, positive people |
Develop your inter-personal skills |
Develop effective working relationships with teaching staff |
Boost your CV and improve your employability |
Win improvements for your class |
The Role of a Programme Rep
- To make sure your colleagues know that you are the Rep and how they can contact you (e.g. create a class facebook or whatsapp group)
- To build relationships with the students, other Reps, academics and support staff.
- To actively listen to the students on your programme and seek out their views, especially when there are changes to the programme being proposed or there are problems.
- To always explore with your fellow students what outcomes they want from any representation you make on their behalf.
- To make sure you represent the majority opinion in class, not only the views of the most outspoken students.
- To represent collective views, not your own, nor those of individuals or small groups.
- Report back to the students on your programme after meetings or other representations.
ENSA will send you regular info updates throughout the year and, if you hit problems, our Co-President for Education & Employability is here to help you.
If you'd like to find about more ways you can participate in activities and conversations which can influence the quality of learning and teaching at the University, and improve the experiences of our students, check out the Student Voice pages on MyNapier.
Rep Forums
Rep Forums are important spaces for all Reps to get together and discuss the various issues they are having related to their academic experience. Speakers from the University often attend these to gather feedback on important changes and developments, and the forums are an excellence place to meet fellow Reps and work together. All Reps should attend these and to be officially recognised as a Rep on your transcript, you must attend at least half of all Rep Forums in an academic year.
The next University-wide Rep Forum will take place on Wednesday 19 March, 2-4pm in Merchiston A55. You can also attend online via a Teams.
Join on Teams