Posted on Tue 11 Mar 2025 at 15:49 by
Ryan Cairns
Hi ENSA Sports
Here’s what’s happening in ENSA Sports this week:
10th-15th March
-Voting is now open! Make sure you vote in the election for who will be in my role next academic year!
- Close 17th March
-To receive Club Colours members must have shown an outstanding contribution to the running, administration, operation and affairs of their Club. They must have also served 2 years minimum on the committee.

-A reminder to have your AGM before the end of March to elect your new committee members. All relevant documents can be found here!
- 19th March
-Come watch Napier Knights play Edinburgh Mavericks at Meggetland
20th March
-Enjoy ceilidh dancing? Why not join the climbing club in March as they host their annual ceilidh at Dropkicks!

-The best night of the year, get your tickets now! There's also a bus going to the afterparty, you can find free tickets here-