Posted on Mon 24 Feb 2025 at 14:26 by
Ryan Cairns
Hi ENSA Sports
This weeks updates:
- Close 17th March
-To receive Club Colours members must have shown an outstanding contribution to the running, administration, operation and affairs of their Club. They must have also served 2 years minimum on the committee.
- Closes Tonight!
-Last chance to nominate clubs and individuals
Finals Day!- 5th March
-Congratulations to Women’s rugby, Men’s Rugby & Men’s Football who have all made the cup finals. All three teams will compete in the finals on Wednesday, 5th March, St Andrews. There will be buses running in the morning for both players and spectators, so if you want to head up and show your support, get in touch with the clubs!

-A reminder to have your AGM before the end of March to elect your new committee members. All relevant documents can be found here!
28th February
-Join the netball club who are climbing up Arthurs Seat as part of the Feel Fab Feb campaign that aims to reduce stress and promote wellbeing!
- 19th March
-Come watch Napier Knights play Edinburgh Mavericks at Meggetland
20th March
-Enjoy ceilidh dancing? Why not join the climbing club in March as they host their annual ceilidh at Dropkicks!