ENSA does a range of things to support students, but representation is our core business.
Our representation of students is aimed at ensuring that Edinburgh Napier University is delivering the kind of degrees students want, and ensuring that the teaching, learning and support facilities are of the required standard that students need. Its about raising the quality of the whole student experience as well as problem-solving when things go wrong.
By representation we mean: of Edinburgh Napier students, by Edinburgh Napier students and for Edinburgh Napier students.
We also mean: listening to students, formulating policy on their behalf, and taking it to the place where we can present the students' case and win improvements - whether that is at classroom or faculty level, or senior level within Edinburgh Napier University, or externally, through the Scottish or UK Parliament or the broader community.
Other organisations and people can support and advise you as students, but Edinburgh Napier Students’ Association is unique in that the main reason for its existence is to represent the interests of Edinburgh Napier University students directly.