Posted on Fri 07 Mar 2025 at 10:00 by
Anthony Foster
Have a Happy International Women's Day on Saturday. This year the theme is 'Accelerate Action' for gender equality. At the current rate of progress the World Economic Forum believe it will be 2158, or five generations from now, to reach full gender parity. So do make changes when you can.
Yes, after months of preperation it is finally Student Election Week! A healthy number of candidates who I was lucky to see at the Student Hustings this week. It takes a lot to put yourself forward for such a position and I respect each candidate for doing so. To support these students, and to choose the one who you hope will help comtinue to make your student experience the best it can be at Edinburgh Napier University, do take the time to vote. It takes just a few minutes from your day. Candidates will be out and about trying to convince you to vote for them. Do give them your time if you can. Last year turnout for the elections was about 14%. We would like to smash that target so the students who get elected can have a stronger voice for you too. More details here
THE ELECTION WINNERS WILL BE ANNOUNCED... an event at the GlassRoom in Merchiston Campus at 6pm on Friday 14th March at 6pm. Staff members at the University, staff members of ENSA, the Board of ENSA the candidates and their supporters have all been invited and it would be great to see students there too who are interested in the results. You will be most welcome.
We are not only having an election this year. We are also having a referendum on our membership of the National Union of Students. This hasn't been done in a while and it was time for todays students to have their say. Members of NUS will also be around to answer any questions you may have so you can make up your own mind. More details here
Our Sports Teams were at St Andrews during the week representing Edinburgh Napier University. Congratualtions to all involved. No doubt some of them are planning to party at the Sports Clubs and Societies Ball in April at the Edinburgh Conference Centre. This event sold out last year and is open to all students at Edinburgh Napier University. A small number of slightly cheaper tickets are going on sale today at 10am and full price tickets are still on sale. Details here Some more news to share with you during Election week so be back at this blog next week!