Posted on Fri 28 Feb 2025 at 13:16 by
Anthony Foster
What a week. No really, where do I start...
The Sabbatical Officers are firing on all cylinders. Not only did we do their Professional Development Plan updates they have been working on Varsity, Clubs and Societies Ball, meeting Ministers regarding housing, Film Festivals, International Relations, mature students and international support, academic communities, visas and more. Whoever wins the forthcoming student elections have big shoes to fill.
The celebration of all things International was great at Craiglockhart on Wednesday. The ENSA team did themselves proud and those participating made it a great and full on event. It was a pleasure to be one of the speakers opening the proceedings and the party had already started by then! I'm sure there are pictures of a man in a kilt (not me) whisking themselves all across the globe too.
A few this week which reminds me to manage my diary a little better! Meetings including a Union staff conference in June, meetings with Student Union CEOs idea sharing, getting my head around financial support for students, catching up with University initiatives we are working on together, explaining budgets to staff and preparing their work behind the next strategic plan were all highlights.
As a Charity we have a Board of Trustees who meet every couple of months to oversee what we are doing. This week it was ran by our new Board Chair Lang Banks and covered reports from the Sabbaticals (which then feeds into University Court), aufited accounts, risk assessments, new Staff Handbooks with pizza providing sustenance for everyone. It gives me time to reflect on what we are doing and overall was a positive experience.
I've been working on budgets for next year and we begin negotations withe University, who provide our block grant, soon. I swear I see figures at night now! I've been doing comparative research into other SU's grants too and what we are achieving as a Students Association. At the same time we are keeping a close eye on our current budgets before the end of the financial year in June and curve balls that are sent our way. Thankfully we have a new member of Finance staff who started this week to support the work Helen does for us. So hello and welcome Sonia and enjoy your time at ENSA!