Know your rights: New Private Tenancy agreements introduced!

The Private Housing (Tenancies) (Scotland) Act 2016 has taken effect from 1st December 2017, and has introduced a new 'private residential tenancy'. This will apply to all new tenancies from this date.

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New Private Tenancy agreements introduced.

The Private Housing (Tenancies) (Scotland) Act 2016 has taken effect from 1st December 2017, and has introduced a new 'private residential tenancy'.  This will apply to all new tenancies from this date.

The Scottish Government states that:

''It's purpose is to improve security for you as a tenant and provide safeguards for landlords, lenders and investors.
The tenancy will be open-ended and will last until you wish to leave the let property or your landlord uses one (or more) of 18 grounds for eviction.''

Now known as a Scottish Private Residential Tenancy the key features are

  • no fixed term
  • new 'Notice to Leave' using one or more of 18 'modernised' grounds
  • two notice periods to end for landlord of either 28 or 84 days
  • 28 days notice required from tenant
  • various controls on rents
  • must be occupied as 'main home'
  • no pre-tenancy notices required

Full details of the new legislation and what it means for you as a tenant can be found on the Scottish Government website or you can watch a short video with all the details on YouTube.

If you require further advice about your tenancy agreement, you can make an appointment to speak to an ENSA Adviser on 0131 229 8791 or email

Infographic courtesy of Shelter Scotland.


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