Become a Programme Rep

The deadline to let your Programme Leader know that you are interested in being a Programme Rep is Friday 20 September. If you think you can speak up for your class, and want the opportunity to develop your skills, consider putting yourself forward.

Programme Repsrepresentationskills development


Would you like an opportunity to...

  • Influence decisions made about your education and student experience
  • Develop your inter-personal skills
  • Improve your employment prospects
  • Develop effective working relationships with University staff and NSA
  • Meet with people who want to make a difference

Then become a Programme Representative!

What you need to do:

  1. Tell your Programme Leader that you are interested.
  2. Fill in the registration form (your Programme Leader will give you one).
  3. Return the registration form to your Programme Leader by no later than Friday 20th September.

This opportunity can enhance your:

  • negotiation skills
  • oral and written skills
  • public speaking skills
  • language/communication skills
  • presentation skills
  • report writing skills
  • engagement in University decision-making

How much time/work is involved?

  • Online Rep training module via Moodle
  • 2 Student Council meetings a year
  • 3 Staff Student Liaison Meetings a year
  • Ongoing dialogue with classmates
  • Reporting on actions

For more information contact Susan Finn at ENSA:

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