ENSA can now announce the winners of this year's student-nominated Excellence Awards...

ENSA is delighted to announce the winners of this year's student-nominated Excellence Awards:
Best Campus Service:
Counselling and Wellbeing
Best Non Academic Support Team/Technicians:
David Archibald & Andrew Harvey
Best Programme Representative:
Bailey Brown
Most Inspiring Student:
Sorcha McLaughlin
Most Inspiring Tutor:
Zoe Irvine
Best Academic Support/PDT:
Dr Fiona McQueen
Best Lecturer/Tutor in Engineering and Built Environment:
Dr Kenneth Leitch
Best Lecturer/Tutor in Computing:
Prof Bill Buchanan
Best Lecturer/Tutor in Arts and Creative Industries:
Allan Boughey
Best Lecturer/Tutor in Applied Sciences:
Dr Katrina Morrison
Best Lecturer/Tutor in Health and Social Care:
Kathryn Hardie
Best Lecturer/Tutor in the Business School:
Dr Ahmed Hassanien
Massive congratulations to all of the winners for going above and beyond to try and make the student experience at Edinburgh Napier University the best it can be! Many thanks to everyone who took the time to make a nomination and making sure the winners got the appreciation they deserve for their efforts!
You can view the entire list of nominees here.