ENSA's Meme Competition

Get creative and win! Ermahgerd! It's ENSA's totally originally and SuPEr CoOl Meme Competition! ENSA is committed to helping you procrastinate during this disaster movie of a year...

competitionmemespapa johns pizza

Get creative and win!

memesErmahgerd! It's ENSA's Meme Competition!

ENSA is committed to helping you procrastinate during this disaster movie of a year, so whether it's Grumpy Cat, Evil Kermit or the Distracted Boyfriend, send us a picture with some amusing caption on it and you could win a free, delicious, large pizza courtesy of Papa John's!*

Making your own memes is super easy with the help of these handy websites. Generate the image, save it, then share it with us on Facebook!

https://imgflip.com/memegenerator - strangely there is no option to flip the image but with an easy to use interface and lots of images to choose from, this website certainly exists

https://makeameme.org/memegenerator - with an on-trend utilitarian-grey and jobby-brown colour scheme this website has meme written all over it (literally)

https://www.canva.com/create/memes/ - this full-on image editor is waaaay more complicated than you need, so... good luck

papajohns(ENSA is in no way affiliated with any of the websites on this list and takes no responsibility for their content or your use of them. We just did a google search and this is what came up. Please exercise your own common sense and don't click on any dodgy clickbait ads... but you really will not believe what that guy from Friends looks like now!!)

To enter, visit our Facebook page on or after Monday 23rd November and look out for our competition entry post, where you'll be able to add your own meme in the comments.

*pizza voucher valid at Edinburgh branches only (Newington, Fountainbridge, Sighthill or Blackhall).

Ball 2025