Prize Draw
When you vote in the Student Elections you will be entered into our prize draw. We have various prizes up for grabs, with new prizes being added every time a certain number of voters is reached.
Winners of the prize draw will be announced in the week commencing 17 March. Be sure to vote in all the ballots to increase your chances of winning a prize!
3000 voters: Nintendo Switch Lite |
2500 voters: £100 cash prize |
2000 voters: Edinburgh Zoo tickets x 2 |
1500 voters: ENGAGE Monthly Membership x 2 |
1000 voters: £20 Edinburgh Flavour Food & Drink Voucher x 2 |
750 voters: Edinburgh Napier Hoodie x 2 |
500 voters: £10 Vue Cinema Voucher x 2 |
250 voters: £5 Espresso Lab Voucher x 10 |