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PMCNapier Project Management Challenge

As part of Scottish Climate Week, we are launching our Project Management Challenge 24/25 with the theme of Sustainability. e.g. Sustainability in sport, business, creative industries, science, health and environment.

The challenge will run for 8 weeks and is open to all recent graduates and current students at Edinburgh Napier University. Groups of 3-6 students can collaborate to deliver a project towards the Scotland 2045 Net Zero target.

Sustainability project ideas might include things like:

Advocacy and education: raise your voice campaigns, educate on climate change, empower online classes through apps or curriculum design, social wellbeing initiatives, women empowerment and gender equality

Reduction: bike sharing stalls between campuses, e-waste collection drive, food donation and collection, buffet style canteens, energy and paper reduction, short films, 

Reuse: design charity bins (for bags, shoes, electronics, books), help improve the Lions’ Gate Garden, encourage reusable containers, clothes swaps, recycled materials for sports merchandise

Recycling: cut the plastic initiatives, design waste collection units


Why Take Part?

  1. You will get a chance to pitch to potential employers at the Award Night.
  2. Develop and practice professional competences associated with project management delivery and implementation.
  3. An opportunity to be mentored and work alongside experienced project professionals developing greater interpersonal qualities.
  4. Develop knowledge of the success criteria required to deliver a winning or successful project.
  5. An opportunity to enhance your learning experience within the corporate and further education environments.
  6. The opportunity to develop presentation skills by developing and delivering a presentation to a room of peers and employers.
  7. All teams will be awarded certificates of participation and prizes will be awarded to the outstanding teams.

Key Dates

  • Project Proposal deadline: Sunday 13 October (750 words)
  • Project Delivery: 18 October – 18 December (8 weeks)
  • Mid Report Submission: 15 November (500 words)
  • Final Report Submission: 18 December (300 words)
  • Awards Night & Presentations: Week commencing 27 January

Project Proposals

Submissions deadline for proposals: 13 October. Proposals should be sent to

Project teams are expected to provide a proposal that makes a persuasive and realistic argument for delivering their project of choice. The proposal must be no more than 750 words. Your proposal should include:

Project purpose and definition: The tangible or intangible products, services, or results that are produced as a result of the project

Objectives, and Project schedule: The specific outputs or outcomes that meet the project purpose and requirements, within specific timeline

Risks and opportunities: Associated threats and opportunities carefully considered for the project completion.

Planned resources: What simple resources are needed e.g. people, I.T, funds etc.

Success Criteria/ KPIs: What shall you be accountable for? Primarily on the end results and outputs of the project.

Further Information

If you have any queries or would like further details, please get in touch with Chika Marvis, ENSA’ s Co-President for Education & Employability:

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