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Academic Integrity is the importance of approaching your work with honesty and diligence.

There are rules and guidelines around plagiarism and collusion that you should be aware of. It is extremely important that students take care to properly reference their work when using quotes from other sources such as journals, news articles and reports. Credit must be given to the original authors of any sections of text referenced and the reader should be able to find a copy of these sources.

Check out this video by our 2021/22 Co-President for Education & Employability for a summary:


Another issue to be aware of is the danger of using Essay Mills and content writers. You may have seen websites or people on social media offering "essay writing" services. It is really important that you do not engage with these services - not only are they illegal, but they could lead to you being blackmailed and facing permanent exclusion from your course, and removal of credit.

These services are often advertised via email.  Sometimes they even appear to have been endorsed by the University.  If you receive such an email, please use the “report message” button to report as spam, and then delete the email.  Do not click on any links, as they may be a security risk.  Please report it to the University’s Information Services team so they can block further emails.

Matthew explains more in the video below:


You can find more information about Academic Integrity on MyNapier.

The University's Academic Skills Team have a range of resources available to help with your approaches to writing and studying. You can get in touch with the team at

If you have been accused of breaching any of the University's rules and are asked to attend a meeting, you are entitled to be accompanied by an adviser. Get in touch with ENSA Advice on 0131 229 8791 or

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