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An academic appeal is a request to review a decision of the Programme Assessment Board. This is a formal process, guided by specific regulations. You can find a copy of these regulations here: Academic Appeal Regulations (2024/25)

You must submit your academic appeal within five working of the date the Programme Board of Examiners results are published.

Grounds for an Appeal

You may only appeal if your personal circumstances meet at least one of the University's grounds for academic appeal. These are: 

  • There is evidence to indicate that the Programme Assessment Board or School/University Research Degrees Committee did not act in accordance with the relevant regulations and procedures.  
  • There is evidence to indicate that there was an apparent error in the recording, transcription or reporting of assessment results, the delivery of their programme or the assessment process.

How to Submit an Appeal

To submit an academic appeal, you should contact to inform them of your circumstances and advise them of your intention to appeal a decision of the Programme Assessment Board.

Once you have had a reply confirming that you have valid grounds for appealing, you should complete and submit the AP1 Form that they send you, along with any evidence, within the requested timeline.

Further information is available on My Napier.   

We advise you to book an appointment with one of our advisers for guidance on the process and to get feedback on your statements.

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